how to become content writer

How to Become Content Writer

How to become content writer? If you are wondering how to become a freelance writer, this guide will help you in choosing the right career path and preparing yourself to become one of the best writers out there. You will learn how to be an online content writer, where the opportunities lie, how much you can earn, what skills you need, and more. Get ready to unleash your inner writer!

Become a freelance writer with no experience Start blogging

The first step to becoming a content writer is to start blogging. If you can write thoughtful, original articles that your readership finds valuable and interesting, that’s great. But don’t be afraid if you’re just starting out. There are lots of non-glamorous jobs like editing, proofreading, and technical writer that every business needs to be done too. No matter what level you are at as a writer, there’s no better way to gain confidence than writer on your own website or someone else’s, and getting immediate feedback from real readers – how much they liked it (or didn’t), why they felt that way and how you can improve your next post. Even if you have little experience or training,  you will learn quickly.

Off-Page SEO Checklist: The Ultimate Guide

Get freelance writer jobs to understand the market rate

There are many types of a content writers, and as with any other job or industry, you’ll need to do your research before jumping into freelance writers. Just because you have skills doesn’t mean you can command $200 per hour right away. So get an idea of what companies are paying for freelance writers and keep tabs on what those people are earning per hour. Use their salaries as a guideline; they may not be perfect indicators, but they’re at least helpful when deciding how much your time is worth. If you want to become a successful freelance writer, make sure that your rates aren’t too low—or too high. It would help if you also decided how much you’re willing to work hourly—and stick with it. Don’t negotiate hourly rates just because someone wants them lower! Remember: If it’s too good to be true, it probably is!

Decide on your specialty to be a better writer

When you’re just starting out, it can be tempting to take on any writer job that comes your way. However, if you decide on your specialty early on, it will allow you to develop more expertise in a particular area and gain more respect as an expert. One of the most popular types of freelance writer is SEO content; with so many companies needing help with their search engine rankings these days, there’s an almost endless market for writers who know how to craft effective and engaging content. Plus, since SEO articles are typically fairly short (only about 600 words), they don’t require as much time or research as other types of articles. Another good option is travel writer; if you love exploring new places, why not turn your passion into profit? It’s also worth noting that some publications pay better than others, so doing some research before taking on a new project can save you from losing money. Finally, consider what kind of schedule would work best for you—do you want to write full-time or part-time? Are weekends off important? How flexible do you need to be with scheduling deadlines?

Know your strengths to become a successful content writer

Know your strengths to become a successful content writer

One of the most important aspects of becoming a freelance writer knows your strengths. What are you good at? Where do you get your motivation from? What’s your process for getting words on paper (or on-screen)? How do you approach difficult topics? Think about these questions, and more, before deciding that a freelance writer is for you. If the content writer isn’t for you, know that it’s not right because there’s another path out there. There are many different types of writers: commercial writers, technical writers, fiction writers, and journalists… and they all follow different paths to being published. Take some time to figure out what type of writer you want to be and go after it with gusto!

The Ultimate On-Page SEO Checklist for Beginners

To become a content writer online learn what you need to learn

To become a content writer online learn what you need to learn

Start by making sure you have all of your writer basics down. For example, do you know how to write content that’s easy for humans and search engines alike? Do you understand SEO copywriter fundamentals? Do you know how to optimize headlines, use strong calls-to-action and incorporate links effectively? Learning these aspects of web writer is essential before you begin looking for clients. Once you’ve got your skills down, it’s time to start networking! Join Twitter chats, start local meetups, and find other writers on LinkedIn—if you want it bad enough, there’s probably someone who can help. But don’t get discouraged if no one answers right away—it might take some digging.

Determine your niche to get started as a writer

The first step of becoming a freelance writer is figuring out what you want to write about and who will be reading it. This requires examining your passions, expertise, and goals—and deciding how you can merge them into one career. If you’re passionate about horses, but have no expertise in their health care, for example, then pet care would be an ideal niche for you. Or if you love animals in general but don’t have any professional experience with them, writer about all sorts of pets could also work as your niche. To get started, think about these questions: What are my interests? What do I know well? What do I enjoy talking or thinking about? Where do I see myself in five years? How much money am I hoping to make from freelancing? Asking yourself these questions can help you determine your niche. And once you’ve decided what that niche is, take time to research similar topics online so that you can learn how other writers are tackling those subjects.

To become a professional Content writer Build up your portfolio

To become professional Content writer Build up your portfolio

Establishing yourself as a freelance writer on your own takes time and it’s not something you can do overnight. However, there are ways you can build up your portfolio quickly. First of all, get any content writer jobs that you can – even if they’re small ones and even if they’re for free. One great way of doing so is by reaching out to websites directly and offering your services, instead of waiting for them to find you on freelancing sites such as Upwork. You may have better luck pitching directly than waiting around for applications, which don’t always go through anyway. The more content writer samples you have under your belt when starting out, the better off you’ll be when looking for bigger gigs down the road—and more work equals more income.

Brand yourself with a pen name to write for a valuable content

A pen name will differentiate you from other writers and make it clear that your writer is more than just a hobby. It also forces you to really think about what kind of writer you want to be. Some people prefer to keep their personal and professional lives separate. In contrast, others may use their pen name to extend their personality or even take on a persona that represents something bigger than themselves. Regardless of how you choose to use your pen name, make sure it’s memorable so potential clients can easily find it when they’re looking for new work. Also, try to pick something unique enough that no one else is using it yet—you don’t want readers confusing you with someone else!

To begin branding yourself with a pen name:

To begin branding yourself with a pen name

• Use Google Alerts to search for articles written by people with similar names. Do any of them have blogs? Could you write for them? If not, could you create a similar type of content and link back to them in your posts?

• Once you’ve chosen a pen name, check whether anyone else has already claimed it by typing it into Google (be aware that if someone has done some serious SEO around their website, they might come up first). If no one has taken your pseudonym yet, save it somewhere safe until you’ve started building up traffic.


When I first started writer professionally, I was terrified. There are few things scarier than having an idea for something and then putting it out there for others to see. In my case, what if my idea failed? What if people ridiculed me? Or worse yet, what if they didn’t care at all? In order to avoid facing these fears head-on (and losing out on a potentially rewarding opportunity), I put off writer for months. But once I finally overcame my fear of failure and wrote that first post, everything changed. Now, I can’t imagine doing anything else with my life. And you know what? You probably can’t either! So don’t wait any longer—stop procrastinating, overcome your fear of failure, and start creating!

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